Just a mix of side projects I have worked on...
Flowinance simplifies budgeting with an intuitive and visual approach. Integrated ChatGPT for transaction extraction and categorization. Built with Next.js, Supabase, and TailwindCSS. Check it out: Website | Code
A real-time chat application where users can create rooms and chat with others. This project participated in Hacktoberfest with a team of 6 developers and received 10 stars and 11 forks on GitHub. Built with React.js, Socket.IO, and Google Cloud. Check it out: Website | Code
Landing page for a company specializing in image asset management (just frontend). Built with Next.js and TailwindCSS. Check it out: Website | Code
Practice Aptis B1
Exercises to practice the B1 of the Aptis test. Built with React.js and JavaScript. Check it out: Website | Code
An NGO providing support to those in need, allowing donors to contribute funds and witness the impact of their contributions through a dedicated blog. Built with Next.js, Prismic, and gofundme. Check it out: Website
Showcase of a personal website with a blog section connected to Prismic CMS. Built with Next.js, Prismic, and Google Analytics. Check it out: Website | Code
Checklist App
A simple checklist app to keep track of your daily tasks. Built with JavaScript and CSS. Check it out: Website | Code
Cat Facts
Webpage that shows facts about cats through the API provider. Built with React.js and TailwindCSS. Check it out: Website | Code